'Between Us Clinic' Performance Anxiety Audio Course Review

Could this audio course help you resolve your psychological ED? My thoughts...

The 'Between Us' Clinic Performance Anxiety Program. It's an audio course designed to help guys build mindfulness skills as a way of solving their psychological erectile dysfunction.   Or as they say on the web site "Break Out Of The Loop And Regain The Confidence To Perform When It’s “Go Time!”  


  • Being aware of what you’re sensing in the present moment;
  • Accepting your thoughts in a compassionate, non-judgmental way.

Your first question might be, "Shit, do I have to learn to meditate to solve my bedroom problems?"  Well, the research says mindfulness practices work.  One study from The Journal of Sex Medicine found that guys with ED reported significant improvement in sexual function after attending a four-week group mindfulness program.  Another study from the Journal of Marriage and Sex Therapy said t "Sexual mindfulness provides a skill that individuals can develop without a partner’s participation and it may help address the client’s struggle with sexual wellbeing, relational wellbeing, and self-esteem."  Some other studies have pointed to improvement in overall sexual satisfaction, self-esteem, arousal, desire as well as a reduction the anxiety associated with sexual activity (9,10,11). So mindfulness may or not be for you, but the studies I was able to find say it works pretty well.

So let's say you're open to trying it and checking out this course.  Signup is easy, it just takes a couple of minutes.  It's $37 US and they don't even charge you until after the end of the free seven day trial.  Once you're in, it starts with an article on mindfulness and how it can help with performance anxiety-driven ED.   They explains it like this: "When we’re worried or stressed about a future event or overthink something that happened in the past, we get anxious.  Our brains can’t “think” in two different time frames at the same time. You’re either in the present, or stuck in the past or future. By using mindfulness, you can focus on the here and now in a non-judgmental way to remove the stress that thinking about other “time zones” can cause.  When you’re in the present moment, there’s no room in your head for negative, anxiety provoking thoughts, which makes it practically impossible for performance anxiety to affect your erection."

So you get that, then you're ready to get going.  You listen to one 10-20 minute meditation per day.  Then you repeat that one for the following six days.  Then go on to the next level that builds on the skills you built over the previous week.  This is how they structure it......the whole program lasts eight weeks.

OK.  Here's what I liked about it:

-It's well designed and professional.  Everything looks and sounds good. 

-The whole thing is well organized, it's easy to pick up where you left off and see where you are in the course.  And like the MOJO app, you get plenty of positive reinforcement for making progress along the way.

-The guy who does the voice (who I don't think is Daniel Sher, the Clinical Psychologist who designed the course) has a great voice.  Kind of gravelly, with what I think is a South African accent.  He sounds like he could be a villain in a Bond movie or something. But in a good way..  

-Most importantly though, the content seems super solid to me.  Most of what they're teaching are standard mindfulness exercises.   They're taught effectively and they give you pretty frequent reminders for how doing things like contemplating a raisin will help you resolve your ED.

 -And for guys who stick with it, I think the benefits of building this set of skills would likely extend beyond the bedroom.  No news to you I'm sure, but here's a ton of research out there that demonstrates the great effects that mindfulness practices have on physical and mental health.

What I didn't like:

Really not much. Most of the concerns I have are kind of hypothetical.   

-I could imagine some guys might drop out over the eight weeks...they might not be able to hang in with a process of gradual skill building that might not always seem directly connected to the problem they want to solve - even with all the reminders that it is.  

-Could it be more tailored for resolving ED issues?  Maybe, but I'm not enough of a meditation expert to say that would be better.  And I don't do this type of mindfulness work with my clients.  When I work with guys, if mindfulness is the effect we're looking for (it may not be with some guys) ideally I'd be helping them achieve the benefits without having to do so much in terms of formal meditation training.

-Could the same results be achieved with a regular meditation course or app?  My guess is probably, none of these exercises are all that ED-focused.  But where this is a good course and there are lots of reminders of the connection between doing the exercises and resolving your ED, I'd say it makes sense to go with this over a more generic mindfulness training.

-More than anything though, the biggest possible downside is that, like anything I talk about in these reviews, it's a product not a person.  It's pretty easy to imagine it just not being "enough" for some guys.  A lot of guys who call me are really freaking out.  It's hard to imagine someone on that end of the intensity spectrum having the focus and patience for a product like this. Aaand that's what therapists and people like me are for.


So overall I'd say it's a really solid product.  The research pretty strongly suggests that developing mindfulness skills can help you resolve our ED.  This is a good course for learning those skills.  So if you want  to take a research-proven approach and you can spare 10-20 minutes a day for an eight-week course, I recommend this.

Oh, and if you're wondering 'who cares what I think?'
Great question! I'm not a doctor, psychologist . But I have been helping guys resolve ED issues with hypnotherapy and coaching for about 20 years. So I've seen a lot different ways guys think themselves into the problem...and a lot of different ways they can solve it.

Oh, and I'm independent.  I don't get any kind of commissions from the products I talk about or do any kind of affiliate links. Any biases I have come from, again, just a lot of experience helping guys resolve their ED.

So that's it guys. If you decide to take this course, I hope it helps you have a really healthy fun carefree sex life again.   Thanks for watching. 

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