Hypnosis for Erectile Dysfunction

If you can be hypnotized and your ED is psychological, this video might help.

by Brian Mahoney | Posted Apr 02, 2024

What is this?

This is a hypnosis audio was recorded by hypnotherapist Brian Mahoney to help guys resolve their psychological erectile dysfunction. It runs a little over 30 minutes.

Who is this hypnosis for ED session most likely to help?

Different people have different levels of hypnotizability. It's a bell curve. You've got people who really aren't hypnotizable at all on one end, the largest group of people in the middle who are somewhat hypnotizable and on the other end you have the extremely hypnotizables. Folks who are on the more hypnotizable end of the spectrum will get a lot more out of a session like this than those who aren't.

If you'd like more information on the subject I suggest Stanford professor Andrew Huberman's podcast where he interviews fellow Stanford professor and hypnosis expert David Spiegel (see below).

Spiegel's company offers a test for hypnotizability here.

What if I'm not very hypnotizable?

If you lean strongly towards the analytical/unimaginative end of the spectrum, the videos might be a better fit for you.

Is there any evidence for hypnosis for erectile dysfunction working?

Yes. For example, one study found that an average of just five hypnosis sessions was sufficient to get the ED symptoms under control. A year after completing the treatment, 87% of patients no longer suffered from ED.

- Crasilneck HB. "A Follow-Up Study in the Use of Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Psychogenic Impotency" - American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis

What's that music in the background?

Those are binaural beats. There's a fair amount of research that's been done to prove they can help the brain go into sleep and meditation states more easily.  

How do I listen?

You can play the video above to hear it:

  • Instructions start at 3:35
  • Hypnosis session starts at 5:15

Or listen to just the hypnosis portion here:

Listen to the Hypnosis for ED audio here.

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