Mind My Erection Video Review

Could this video series help you resolve your psychological ED? My thoughts...

By Brian Mahoney | Posted May 02, 2024

Note: I do NOT receive any kind of commissions or have any affiliate relationship with the companies whose products I review. I'm independent. Any biases I have come from 20 years of helping guys resolve their ED.


Mind My Erection is a video series from Greek psychologist Dr. Evie Kirana. She describes it this way: "Mindmyerection.com equips people experiencing psychogenic erectile dysfunction with the knowledge they need to have as they navigate their way to restore their sexual life.  15 years devoted to the study and treatment of psychogenic erectile dysfunction are distilled in this series of practical videos designed for the man and his partner." the whole series runs about 45 minutes.


It's broken into three main sections:

  • The first two are for the guy: Performance Anxiety and a variety of tips for what guys can do in order to improve their erections, pills and otherwise.
  • The third one is for the partner which in the videos assumed is a woman.

What I liked

  • A nice breakdown of how ED works: internal dialog - > emotion - > physical lack of response.  Clearly illustrated, clearly explained.  Good start.
  • The way she goes over the way ED works physically with little animations - it's simple and clear. 
  • Good tips for guys with low to moderate anxiety - she talks about accepting the idea there's no GUARANTEE that sex will go well and if you're not fighting any anxiety you have, you'll probably relax.  Super solid, good information,  
  • There's some general tips in the 'better erections section' for having good sex - using all your senses, how to use your attention, letting distracting thoughts come and go.  All good.
  • But I think the real action here is in the section for the female partner.  It's great.  It's three videos of her talking directly to the woman and basically saying, "here's the deal:
  • -This is how ED works
  • -These are some things a lot of women try that are actually counterproductive - and why they're counterproductive.
  • -She gives detailed word-for-word tips for women to talk to guys about the problem - GREAT!  My work with a lot of clients probably would've been a lot easier if some of their partners could've watched these videos
  • -She also gives tips for woman in helping guys in the moment when they're in bed and it happens.  Again really GREAT stuff.  And stuff I haven't come across much in other books and videos.
  • It's shot professionally.  It looks good and with the little animations, it's a pretty easy watch.

What I didn't like

  • More than anything, I didn't think there was enough here in terms of tools for actually changing the thinking that drives the problem. Maybe that's not the point and it's supposed o be more of a general overview? Maybe I missed something? I don't know but the performance anxiety section really didn't really offer that much in terms of actionable things you can do to actually change the way you're thinking and feeling about sex. I hate to be negative, but if I spent $70 looking for some good help in that area, I think I'd be disappointed.
  • There's a section on pills that didn't seem all that useful to me. Pills can help but psychological issues get in the way of them helping...talk to your doctor...don't buy pills from online pharmacies unless you're sure they're legitimate - nothing that's going to be big news here
  • There's a section on Condom problems - Sometimes condoms don't fit, sometimes guys don't put them on right, you can get stressed or distracted putting them on. Then detailed instructions for putting a condom on? She's seen over 1500 clients and presumably knows what's important to put in a product like this. That said, when I put myself in my clients' shoes when I watch, I'm thinking there's some stuff here that I'm not going to care much about.
  • Video was great, but the audio quality is a bit echo-y.


All eleven videos (43 minutes total run time) are €59.00 (about $65 US) as of 3/2024.

Bottom Line

Maybe I'm missing something or not understanding exactly what Dr. Kirana means by "the knowledge they need to have as they navigate their way to restore their sexual life," but I think I was hoping for more.  She clearly has some chops in the field with a resume that includes a PhD, Sexual Medicine specialist title and an an Honorary Fellow title the European Committee of Sexual Medicine.  Just in the  last 5 years, she's treated about 1500 guys with psychological ED.  With that kind of background, I thought there was going to be a lot of cool new tools and techniques to help guys resolve their psychological ED.  What's in here is good for sure, but with such a great resume, again, I was hoping for more.

Who cares what I think?

Great question! I'm not a doctor, psychologist or sex therapist. But I have been helping guys resolve ED issues with hypnotherapy and coaching for over 20 years. I've seen the really wide variety of ways guys can 'do' their ED issues. I've got experience with all kinds of ways to get things solved. Plus I have a lot of opinions.


Mind My Erection

Dr. Evie Kirana

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