Mojo App Review

Can an App Help Resolve Psychological ED? My thoughts about Mojo...

by Brian Mahoney | Last updated Apr 02, 2024

Note: I do NOT receive any kind of commissions or have any affiliate relationship with the companies whose products I review. I'm independent. Any biases I have come from 20 years of helping guys resolve their ED.


Let's check out Mojo, a popular app from the UK that claims over 250k members. It tackles the ED problem from a variety of angles: cognitive behavioral therapy, pelvic floor work, communication skill building, breath work, fantasy and masturbation exercises, meditation training, and even sex tips. In this review, we’ll break down the content, videos, exercises, and more.

First Impressions

Right on the homepage, Mojo’s founders Angus & Xander make a bold statement: “Erection medication companies are happy to sell to perfectly healthy men, rather than solving the real underlying problem, their sexual wellbeing. We do things differently.”

I love this! Great start.

User Experience

When you sign up for the seven-day free trial and download the app, you see a nice, modern, user-friendly interface. The app asks a few questions to establish a baseline understanding of your ED and attitudes towards sex. This gets used as a baseline as you track progress through the course later.

Course Structure

Mojo uses about 10 different teachers who give lessons through a mix of text, audio, and video. Most lessons are accompanied by exercises. The course starts on Day One with the first training modules and exercises. Each subsequent day involves a combination of new lessons and practice exercises. The course design is thoughtful and organized, making the information easy to learn.

The experts behind Mojo are knowledgeable and clear. The variety of teaching methods holds the user’s attention and helps make the lessons stick. The presentation of cognitive behavioral ideas is straightforward and easy to understand. Audio guides help users focus on their body and experience during exercises. The app also provides reasons for doing the exercises, such as the fact that “83% of guys who practice for 6-8 weeks notice a massive improvement.”

What I Liked

  • The way it skips around between text, audio and video, some teaching, some exercises, back to some more teaching. I think that kid of variety can really make a difference in terms of holding your attention and making the lessons stick.
  • Straightforward presentation of the cognitive behavioral ideas.  Very much straight to the point with simple straightforward language.
  • The way they use audio to guide you through some of the exercises so you can focus on your body and your experience as you go through it.
  • I really like the way they give you REASONS to do the exercises as you go through: "83% of guys who practice for 6-8 weeks notice a massive improvement in their sex life" - followed by a citation of the study the quote came from. 
  • Mojo integrates contact with other guys into the learning process.  Right after you learn something, you get popped into a chat room for some discussion about it.  And if you really want to connect with other guys you can also do  Zoom group chats once a week.
  • The way MOJO handles porn. They're not judgmental.  They even say that liking sexy visuals is normal and there's likely an evolutionary reason for it.  And of course they acknowledge it can be a problem for some guys. For those guys they offer some clear steps for quitting porn that, based on my experience helping guys with the issue, looked like they'd be effective to me. 
  • There's a section with Tips for telling new partners that you have the problem. They really get into it, I thought that was really nicely done.
  • Great quote about libido: "Comparison is the thief of joy."
  • The sex tips.  I changed my mind on the sex tips - at first I thought it was padding, then recalled some clients I've worked with who really benefited from upping their bedroom game. 
  • OK, I'm a hypnotherapist, so take this next one with a grain of salt. I think that they might be using some very subtle hypnosis or NLP techniques here and there. I thought it was great. Just some subtle language patterns to help guys build confidence as they move through the program.  Nicely done.  As was the language in some of the exercises.  If they're not being hypnotic on purpose they're certainly doing a good job of doing it accidentally!
  • Oh, and maybe it's a small thing, but I like that it was easy to cancel.  It took me less than a minute with no hassle at all.

What I Didn't Like

  • More than anything, it's not so much what I didn't like as it is what I'm a bit skeptical about. While straight cognitive behavioral therapy can definitely be great for some guys for a lot of guys out there it's just not enough. Especially without the back and forth dialog of working with a live therapist.
  • At one point they give examples of the kinds of things that guys say to themselves with a critical voice.   So often in my practice I'll see that that kind of thinking is driven by some really deep stuff. I think it's great if some guys are able to solve the problem by challenging that voice but I'm a little skeptical about how many guys that's going to work for.
  • In my practice, I'll hear guys who've done cognitive behavioral therapies say, "I really understand my problem and I can try to make myself think differently, but I don't feel any different."  That's where some of these approaches can come up a bit short.
  • At one point I think they said  "CBT can go deep. It can dig into your memories and dredge up painful history. Obviously, we don't want that."  In my experience, often that's where you need to go in order to really get things solved.
  • I wonder about the amount of time/dedication involved with an app like this.  Where Mojo is hitting the problem from so many different angles, I'd imagine time would be an issue for some guys.  I'd be curious about their dropout rate.  
  • At one point they suggest setting up the relationship with the inner critic set up as back/forth argument.  In my experience, arguing with the inner critic is better than just listening to it, but it still keep guys in their heads instead of in the game. The better move in my experience is to upgrade the inner critic so that he's on your side
  • Also I found the reminder emails I got for the first few days to be a bit frequent.  I think I got five just in the first couple of days.  Not a big deal, just something I noticed.
  • I should also mention here that I've had a couple of clients come to me after things didn't work out with Mojo. One guy in particular told me that he couldn't relate to the exercises.  And again, that's where working with a live therapist who can help you get very specific about the type of thinking you're doing with your ED can be useful in a way that an app just can't.

Some Things I Learned Along the Way

  • They say that having pelvic floor  muscles be too weak or tight can be a significant part of the issue for some the point where they say 40% of guys in one study cured their ED by addressing the imbalances - WHOAH!   Who knew?
  • Guys with ED have inhibition systems that are more sensitive, but have excitation systems that are just as powerful as other guys.  No idea how they measured that, but I thought it was interesting.
  • Programs including fantasy training can help most men with ED completely overcome their issue.  I never knew that.  I'd never done any kind of fantasy training with my clients.
  • When scored by their partners, men with ED score lower for communication than men without ED on average.  Hence the communication skills module they have as part of MOJO.  Makes sense.
  • Research shows that telling a partner you're dating about your sexual needs and worries improves sexual satisfaction for practical reasons as well as emotional ones.  Again, just some nice research they've found here. 


As of 3/2024, Mojo costs $23.30 per month billed in three month cycles of $69.90.


Mojo would be a really solid choice for most guys who're dealing with a psychological ED issue. Is it as good as working live with a skilled therapist?  No. 

Might you spend some time doing exercises that don't directly deal with your particular type of ED?  Yes.

But there's really good solid information here that I think will help a lot of guys solve the problem. That good information paired with exercises to help you to really "get it" ...and a format that makes it easy to learn...I think Mojo can help a lot of guys solve their ED issue. So with the convenience of an app and a low price point, I see MOJO being a win for most guys.  So thumbs up.  I recommend it.

Who cares what I think?

Great question! I'm not a doctor, psychologist or sex therapist. But I have been helping guys resolve ED issues with hypnotherapy and coaching for over 20 years. I've seen the really wide variety of ways guys can 'do' their ED issues. I've got experience with all kinds of ways to get things solved. Plus I have a lot of opinions.



Angus & Xander

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